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Betty Friedan

3 Ways Feminism Laid The Groundwork For Transgenderism

The trans movement is in full bloom. Many are scratching their heads as to how we got here. A survey of the last two centuries reveals that it was long in the making, with deep roots found in feminist ideology, as discussed at length in my…

6 Ways To Detox From Marxist Feminism For A Happier Life

While men can still articulate a “good man” versus a “real man,” no categories remain for a “good woman” versus a “real woman.” Most of us operate unwittingly with the Marxist categories force-fed to us by feminism, particularly Betty…

Where Have All The Good Women Gone?

Barbie has just introduced the Stevie Nicks doll, which harks back to Nicks’ early days with Fleetwood Mac. The preorders sold out in a flash. Nicks said on X: “When Mattel came to me asking if I would like to have a Barbie made…

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