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Common Misconceptions Everybody Has About Twins

Advertisement2 / 28They All Have Secret LanguagesList slidesThey All Have Secret LanguagesThat’s French they’re speaking, you uncultured hog.Advertisement3 / 28Being A Twin Is The Only Way To Reunite Your Estranged Parents Via A Comical

Most Common Mistakes Made By Home Gardeners

With summer fast approaching, it’s time to pick up a shovel, head to a nursery, and spend hundreds of dollars on plants you will inevitably kill. Here are some of the most common mistakes made by home gardeners, and how to avoid…

Local Birds Pissed Off Feeder Full Of Tourists

TEMPLETON, CA—Jostling for position amid a mass of confused sparrows and warblers, local birds in the backyard of resident George DiMaro expressed frustration Friday that his feeder was full of “goddamn tourists.” “Every March,all these

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