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Brian C. Joondeph

Yes, Kamala Harris Was the Border Czar

Now that Vice President Kamala Harris is the leading contender for the Democrat party’s presidential nomination, the corporate media are gaslighting the public to a degree many of us never thought possible.The latest Orwellian history…

MSNBC Lets the Biden Cat out of the Bag

Morning Joe, or “Morning Joke” as I like to refer to it as, is a propaganda arm for the Democrat party. But then again, so is CNN, network news, and increasingly more often, Fox News.They are no longer even pretending to be apolitical or…

Clapper and the Spooks – Enemies Foreign and Domestic

Donald Trump was almost assassinated less than two days ago.Was this a crazy lone wolf or was this a continuation of a pattern, eliminating one’s political opposition, gradually ratcheting up the techniques? Were the agencies charged with…

Biden, Age, and Elder Abuse

Elder abuse plagues 1 of 6 people 60 years of age and older, according to the World Health Organization.It’s nice to see the WHO looking at real public health issues rather than pushing a “pandemic treaty” that would de facto make them king…

Trump Needs to Hammer This During the Debate

The first and perhaps only presidential debate between presumed nominees Donald Trump and Joe Biden takes place on June 27 in CNN’s Atlanta headquarters. Home court advantage goes to President Biden.Is there anyone at CNN, aside from the…

AI – Humanity’s Savior or Worst Nightmare?

“Artificial intelligence (AI), in its broadest sense, is intelligence exhibited by machines, particularly computer systems.”This definition is from Wikipedia, which is the closest thing to an open source of information and “knowledge,” a…

Don’t Overrely on National Presidential Polls

Election season is well underway. President Joe Biden is mumbling, bumbling, and stumbling his way toward his party’s nomination for a second term, the final nail in the coffin of American greatness and exceptionalism.Former President Trump…

America Has Crossed the Rubicon

The Obama/Biden/Soros cabal is nearing its fourth term running America, driving this once great nation into the ditch of communism and tyranny.Last week, America finally crossed the Rubicon from a nation of liberty and the rule of law to a…

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