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Canada Votes 2021

Trudeau nervous about losing job, suddenly extends CRB

OTTAWA – In response to recent forecasts that he may not have a job for much longer, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has announced a sudden extension to CRB. “The Canada Recovery Benefit was introduced to help those most in need of financial…

Highlights of the Liberals’ election platform

The Liberal Party released their election platform this week. Unfortunately no part of the 82-page document explained why they didn’t just do all of this instead of calling an election. But we still took the time to break down the most…

O’Toole: There is no ‘I’ in Conservatve Party

OTAWA — Conservative Leader Erin O’ Toole was put on the defensive this week after CPC campaign materials containing numerous spelling errors found their way to the public. Repeatedly denying any errors made on their part, O’Toole explained…

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