Jesus' Coming Back
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Oregon Man Contracts Plague From Pet Cat

A man in Deschutes County, OR is being treated for a strain of the bubonic plague that he contracted from his pet cat, which succumbed to the disease after hunting rats in an area where the ailment is endemic to the rodent population. What…

Local cat discovers he’s adopted

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Cats Kill Thousands Of Species Across The World

A paper published in Nature Communications reported that more than 2,000 species, 350 of which are of conservation concern, have been hunted by free-ranging domestic cats, with the lead researcher stating, “We don’t really know of any other…

Single Aunt Study Finds 100% Of Cats Angels On Earth

COLUMBUS, OH—According to a new study published in the Journal Of Itty-Bitty Little Paws, single aunt researchers confirmed Monday that 100% of cats are angels on earth. “I’m not even religious, but I can report with 100% certainty they are…

Cat-Sitter Instructed On How To Overfeed Cats

HENDERSON, NV—Launching into careful step-by-step directions regarding care for her pets, local woman Bianca Williamson reportedly instructed cat-sitter Emily Pacana this week on how to overfeed her cats. “It’s pretty simple—in the morning,…

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