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Christian persecution in India

Four Christians Tortured by Police in Northern India

(International Christian Concern) – On Sunday, March 15, police and radical Hindu nationalists attacked a church gathering in Dhamayapur village, located in India’s Uttar Pradesh state. Following the attack, four Christians were detained…

Indian Pastor Tied to Tree and Beaten for Hours

Photo Credit: David Mark/Pixabay (International Christian Concern) – A pastor in India’s Karnataka state was hospitalized after enduring a brutal assault by more than 150 radical Hindu nationalists. According to local sources, attacks on…

Indian Evangelist’s Family Beaten in His Absence

India (International Christian Concern) – On Feb. 20, an Indian evangelist’s mother, wife and 11-month-old son were beaten when he was not found at home as a radical group descended on their house. Podiya Tati, an evangelist in…

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