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Christopher Chantrill

Dems 2025: Stalingrad II or Keystone Kops?

I am wondering about the ongoing District Judge Blitzkrieg and the Tesla Blitzkrieg and the Bernie-AOC “Fight Oligarchy” Blitzkrieg Tour. Could this be the Democrat equivalent of the Battle of Stalingrad? If so, the question is: which…

Maybe the Little Things and Little People Matter

On Friday night we took a Northern Lights Tour out of Fairbanks, Alaska, from 10 pm to 5 am, in a white Ford panel van on a snowy road into the wilderness. The Northern Lights were amazing, but didn’t really get started till 1 am. All of…

Will the MAGA Barbarian Invasion Succeed?

The great question of the moment is whether the Trump Revolution is irreversible, or whether our Democratic friends will get their act together and return in clouds of glory to rule over us as they did so magnificently from the days of…

Today, Republicans are the Peaceniks

When I was young, the peaceniks were all Democrats. Thus, President Carter in a 1977 speech assured us “we are now free of that inordinate fear of communism which once led us to embrace any dictator who joined us” Republicans were the…

Far-Right Menace: The End of the World as They Know It

With the notorious “far-right” Alternative für Deutschland winning 20.7 percent of the vote in the German elections -- up from 10.4 percent in 2021 -- and becoming the number two party, it is clearly the end of the world as we know it. But…

Who is the Real Unelected President?

Our liberal friends were obsessed for a moment over Unelected President Elon Musk. But do you know, Google is hiding it. I checked Google Search and it was really hard to find a search result of some Democrat accusing Musk of being the…

After USAID, America Will Never Be the Same

Did you notice something in the last week? Our liberal friends perked up and found themselves a new enemy. Previously, every card-carrying liberal knew that Donald Trump was the enemy. But that was before the midnight raid on USAID under…

What was the Real Problem with Pete Hegseth?

To me, whenever all the Democrats line up united on an issue, as the Democratic Party senators did for the vote on the nomination of Pete Hegseth for Secretary of Defense, I always have a question. And that’s different from the question of…

Biden Handlers Announce New Regime

At this moment, with President Trump being inaugurated as the 47th President of the United States, let us recall the words of Count Otto von Bismarck: God has a special providence for fools, drunkards, and the United States of America. I…

Wildfires in the Autumn of the Educated Class

In the words of the current meme, nothing changes until a “preference cascade,” the moment when “everybody” changes their mind.Is the current moment of wildfires devastating tony Pacific Palisades such a moment? Nobody knows. Such a moment…

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