Jesus' Coming Back
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Clarice Feldman

Of Drones, Druze, and Pardons

There’s been a lot of buzz thus week about the appearance of SUV-sized drones over the Atlantic Coast states, particularly New Jersey. They exhibit some characteristics not previously observed and speculation is rampant. The most commonly…

A Tale of Two Parties

Eighty-three years after the disastrous sneak attack on Pearl Harbor which galvanized our nation to prepare for a long fight and ultimate victory, we have a clearer picture of how Barack Obama (and through him, President Biden) destroyed…

Criminal law Should be Inelastic

Criminal law should be clear so that those covered by it can understand what is permitted and what is prohibited. It’s not the place for creative interpretations by the judiciary or partisan prosecutors. Jack Smith has now dropped his cases…

It’s a Mad Mad Mad World

After Hamas raped, tortured, burned, kidnapped, and murdered innocent Israelis on October 7, the worst genocidal act against Jews since the Holocaust, it is astonishing to see how so much of the world has turned to blame the victims…

May the Force be With Us

There have been thousands of words written about the 2024 presidential election, but I think Jeffrey Tucker’s article at Brownstone best summarized the sea change in votes cast , and Victor Davis Hanson best describes the cabinet…

How Badly Harris Lost and Why

Donald Trump appears to have been the first Republican in 20 years to win the popular vote.Scouring the internet, the only Democrat figure who seems to be smiling is President Joe Biden. For the others it seems to be a time of mourning. A…

Will it Really be a Cliffhanger?

I think it wise to just vote and ignore the polls and pundits, many of whom are dealing from the bottom of the deck and bluffing. I’d also ignore those doomsters who claim on the basis of the 2020 election that it will be stolen. Sure, as I…

No Ring of Fire and No Endorsements

Friday and Saturday, the Israeli air force gelded Iran, diminishing the Mullahcracy’s sway and putting paid to the Russian-supplied defense systems. At the same time, the refusal of the owners of the Los Angeles Times and Washington…

Harris-Walz Burlesque

I’m so old I remember when we learned about advertising fakery by ordering stuff like sea horses and x-ray vision glasses from the back of comic books. Younger generations caught on when they compared what they’d seen in the TV ads with the…

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