Jesus' Coming Back
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The South China Sea Dog that Hasn’t Barked … Yet

Vietnam has been busy. In recent months, it has exponentially expanded the size of several features it controls in the Spratly Islands, including Barque Canada Reef, Namyit Island, Pearson Reef, and Discovery Great Reef. China appears to…

Iran’s Election Circus Has Just Begun

Iran’s “election circus” — as it is known in Farsi — is in full swing with a total of six candidates being approved by the supreme leader-controlled vetting body, the Guardian Council. These six have not held back in backstabbing each…

Anatomy of an Infamous Army

If one word has come to characterize the army that the Duke of Wellington led in the campaign that culminated in the Battle of Waterloo, that word is “infamous.” The description comes from the mouth of the Duke himself, and entered the…

On the Record with Saddam

Did the views Iraqi President Saddam Hussein espoused regarding the United States in private meetings with subordinates align with his public statements? A new book has the answer. The Achilles Trap: Saddam Hussein, the C.I.A., and the…

Coming to Terms with the Loss of Turkey

Following decades of fretting over “who lost Turkey,” Washington finally seems to have overcome its grief. Having passed through the stages of shock, denial, and anger, the mood is now approaching one of acceptance. Instead of berating…

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