Jesus' Coming Back
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Imposing the Past: Putin’s War for History

A great deal has been written about Vladimir Putin’s relationship with history: the way it fascinates him, the way it inspires him, and the way it distorts his thinking. Yet, insightful as much of this analysis is, it does not always convey…

Miscalibration of Trust in Human Machine Teaming

A recent Pew survey found that 82 percent of Americans are more or equally wary than excited about the use of artificial intelligence (AI). This sentiment is not surprising — tales of rogue or dangerous AI abound in pop culture. Movies from…

Libya’s Fragile Deadlock

Central Intelligence Agency Director Bill Burns made whirlwind visits to Benghazi and Tripoli on January 12, asking contending Libyan leaders to expel roughly a thousand Russian personnel and help organize nationwide elections. But despite…

Breaking the Cycle of Incremental Acquisition Reform

In 1960, Army Chief of Staff Gen. Maxwell Taylor testified before Congress and lamented that, “In spite of the fact that modern war is no longer fought in terms of a separate Army, Navy, and Air Force, nonetheless we still budget vertically…

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