Jesus' Coming Back
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O’Toole: There is no ‘I’ in Conservatve Party

OTAWA — Conservative Leader Erin O’ Toole was put on the defensive this week after CPC campaign materials containing numerous spelling errors found their way to the public. Repeatedly denying any errors made on their part, O’Toole explained…

Highlights of the Conservatives’ election platform

The Conservative Party of Canada released their 162 page 2021 election platform yesterday. Unfortunately few people have been able to stop laughing at the cover long enough to read it. But have no fear, because we’ve put together this…

António Salazar: Conservative Delusions

Demonstrators surround the grave of former Portuguese dictator Antonio Oliveira Salazar during a protest at his hometown in Santa Comba Dao, Portugal, in 2007. (Jose Manuel Ribeiro/Reuters) Conservatives should abandon their fantasies…

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