Jesus' Coming Back
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Live TogetherIt’s Time!

This two-bedroom condo is perfect for you and Jessica. It’s been two years, and really, what are you so afraid of? You’d each get your own bathroom, there’s oak flooring throughout, and there’s something about the granite countertops that…

Live Together, It’s Time!

This two-bedroom condo is perfect for you and Jessica. It’s been two years, and really, what are you so afraid of? You’d each get your own bathroom, there’s oak flooring throughout, and there’s something about the granite countertops that…

Apartment Listing Cagey About Whether Unit Has Floor

CHICAGO—Scouring through the photos in search of a more revealing angle, apartment-hunter George Marvin expressed concern Thursday over a two-bedroom listing that was for some reason being cagey about whether the unit came with a floor.…

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