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Deane Waldman

DOGE Can Balance Budget and Save Health Care

DOGE can accomplish two triumphs with one bold act. Musk and his team can balance the U.S. budget and simultaneously fix health care. Defund the wasteful, unnecessary, illegitimate, and yet ever-expanding federal healthcare regulatory…

Biden’s Pardon Confirms Fauci Guilt

It may initially seem over-the-top hyperbole to compare Dr. Anthony Fauci to Josef Mengele, MD, the “Angel of Death” in Auschwitz. The facts prove that Fauci is at least in his league, if not worse. Fauci harmed or killed more people. He…

Fool Me Twice (Candidate Harris), Shame on Me

V.P. Harris thinks that American voters, like Joe Biden, have weak memories, that we don’t remember (a) why the Soviet economy collapsed, (b) what it means to be an American citizen, and (c) how Democrats scammed the nation using…

The Case Against Progressive Utopia

The Case Against Progressive Utopia - American Thinker <!--/assets/js/load_ads.js?v=2--> <!-- (function(d, s, id) { var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s); if (d.getElementById(id)) return; js = d.createElement(s);

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