Jesus' Coming Back
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Knock Off The Warning Label Nonsense

If Americans need warning labels to keep themselves from drinking the clear liquid from a bottle labeled “bleach,” then an experiment in Darwinism might be in order. Instead, federal officials have become eager to slap on cautionary labels…

This World Mental Health Day, Go For A Run 

Every October 10th, celebrities, politicians, and bureaucrats get together to performatively raise awareness for “World Mental Health Day.” This year, Selena Gomez, the multi-millionaire who produced a documentary last year about her…

Every Bite Of Processed Food Is Killing You: Study

Your cereal could be killing you. A new study out of England published Tuesday links ultra-processed foods with heightened risk for developing and dying from cancer. Researchers at London’s Imperial School of Public Health collected diet…

Study finds sugar linked to having zest for life

OTTAWA – Health Canada released a years long comprehensive study linking sugar with having a zest for life. This unprecedented report revealed the group who got to eat something sweet with every meal beat out the group who had to abstain in…

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