Jesus' Coming Back
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Doomsday Clock Moves 10 Seconds Closer To Midnight

The Doomsday Clock has been moved forward to 90 seconds to midnight, the closest the metaphorical clock has ever been to signaling imminent human-caused catastrophe. What do you think?“So there’s still time tomake things even

Celebrity Thinking About Getting Pilot’s License

LOS ANGELES—Saying it seemed like something he was supposed to do given his level of income and public renown, local celebrity Chris Hemsworth was reportedly thinking Friday about getting his pilot’s license. “I was just wondering what I…

E.U. To Allow Cell Phone Calls On Flights

The European Commission will permit airlines to provide 5G connectivity on board, allowing passengers to make phone calls and use high-speed data on their cell phones during their flight. What do you think?“If it’s not going to crash the…

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