Jesus' Coming Back
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Dumb Week

Sock tuah! Lost knee high finally found in lint trap

REGINA – A local woman is celebrating tonight after finding her long lost work sock in the last place she looked – the lint trap of her dryer. “There’s really only a few places that missing socks can go when they disappear in the laundry,”…

Gen Xer attempts to untangle AirPods

NANAIMO, BC — Local Gen X-er Jerry Greene flailed like an inflatable car dealership mascot today as he attempted to untangle and insert his AirPods before answering his ringing iPhone. “‘Call missed.’ Dammit, this happens every time,”…

Dunderheaded ant taking inefficient route to crumb

CALGARY – Reports from the Calloway household indicate that a local ant is taking a pointlessly circuitous route to a tasty chocolate chip cookie crumb. “He rounded the knife block twice, and then he went down to the floor for a while…

Fiddler can’t afford roof

ST. JOHN’S, NL – The Canadian housing crisis reached new heights this week with a renowned fiddler unable to afford a roof. Viola Green, 35, a prolific fiddle player who has toured with major Canadian acts such as Great Big Ocean, Red…

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