Jesus' Coming Back
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E. Jeffrey Ludwig

Decades of Lies from the Left

A short video from 2021 of Avi Horowitz interviewing students at Yale University was recently re-posted by Prager Univ. The students in the video found the idea of getting rid of our U.S. Constitution to be plausible and…

Concerns About Drones Have Not Been Allayed

On February 13, 2023, John Kirby appeared with Karine Jean-Pierre at a press conference to “explain” in diplo-speak the reasons for our shooting down the Chinese spy balloon. At best, his remarks could be seen as attempts to mollify…

President Biden’s Pathetic Public Life

Many TV outlets are obsessed with President Biden’s pardoning of his son. The pro-Democrat outlets defend Biden’s assertion that political motivations within the Justice Dept. are driving prosecution of his innocent son…

The Path to Recovery Has Just Begun

We Trump-supporters are tempted to exult in his victory over the leftist attack on American history and culture that is the policy hallmark of the Democrat party. Trump-supporters are not only offended by the distortions of the…

The Democrat Party’s False Words

In T.S. Eliot’s classic poem “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock,” one of the lines reads, “In the room the women come and go / Talking of Michelangelo.” These eleven words capture the superficiality of the educated classes as…

The Loss of America’s Transcendent Values

Earlier this year, West Point's superintendent announced that West Point would modify its mission statement to drop “Duty, Honor, and Country” in favor of "the Army Values," a reference to a broader set of seven attributes that serve as the…

Trump v. Harris: A Choice To Be Made

“The President is the worst president in U.S. history, and the Vice-President is the best vice-president in U.S. history.” This was the grim final assessment one might conclude in the wake of last night’s debate, for anyone who…

Obamacare Is Still Ruining Your Doctor Visits

Here’s an important segment of the social engineering component of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), passed under the Obama presidency: The ACA provides a strong emphasis on preventive medicine and primary care through insurance reform,…

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