Jesus' Coming Back
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Ed Thompson

Conservative is the New Liberal

Well, it has finally happened. What used to be liberal ideas have jumped ship and landed on the Right side of the political spectrum. While Left and Right are loaded names that lack universal definition in different political…

The Stranglehold of Censorship

With Artificial Intelligence we have finally arrived in a world of 24/7 censorship, a place where thought itself can be molded, where whole societies can be pushed and pulled like taffy in any direction or shape desired. If you doubt that…

Combatting Our Homegrown Enemy

There is a War on America. This isn’t a threat of nuclear missiles from some foreign adversary like Russia or China. It is not about the Ukraine, Gaza, or Taiwan. This war rages right here on American soil and is being fought by home-grown…

Lord of the Flies on Campus

Seventy years ago, William Golding wrote Lord of the Flies, a brutal novel that sent shivers down our collective spines by exposing the raw hate and brutality hiding in the dark corners of our minds. Showing that such evil could be present…

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