Jesus' Coming Back
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Eileen F. Toplansky

Israel Against the World

On July 2014 the late Charles Krauthammer penned an article titled “Moral Clarity in Gaza.” He noted that “Hamas has only one grievance: Israel’s very existence.” “Some geopolitical conflicts are morally complicated. The Israel-Gaza war is…

Trump, Harris, and Communism

Kamala Harris has “vowed to lower prices at the grocery store with price controls and open up the increasingly out-of-reach housing market with tax subsidies for homebuyers.” Harris asserts that she “will work to pass the first-ever federal…

Sensitivity Training from the Left

Throughout the year, college instructors are required to have mandatory faculty training. This month it is “Disability Cultural Responsiveness for Faculty: Improving Communication and Understanding.” It was led by Sara Sanders Gardner, the…

The Erasure of Women in Sports

Originally, the 1972 Title IX of the Education Amendments permitted “separate but comparable toilet, locker room, and shower facilities on the basis of sex.” Title IX was able to provide equal opportunities for women in education without…

Israel Will Triumph

Jewish history is like a tapestry. You tug at a thread from a thousand years ago and a similar thread will be felt hundreds of years later.What happened on October 7, 2023 in Israel is merely another point in the long history of the…

Ongoing Jihadist Infiltration into America

Alleged pundits scratch their heads in puzzlement and ask: how did all these pro-Hamas outbursts suddenly appear on American universities?They are, in fact, not some spontaneous eruption, but clearly the product of an ongoing jihadist…

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