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U.S. Drops Out Of List Of 20 Happiest Countries

A new World Happiness Report from Gallup found that the United States is no longer among the 20 happiest countries in the world for the first time in the report’s 12-year history, now ranking only 23rd compared to 15th last year. What do…

Effects Of Online Public Shaming

Start SlideshowPublic shaming of individuals over minor or major social transgressions has grown into a massive component of internet discourse, with its share of supporters and detractors. The Onion takes a deep dive into the effects of…

Japan Appoints Minister Of Loneliness

Japan has appointed a “minister of loneliness,” a role that aims to reduce social isolation and loneliness among Japan’s residents as the country deals with rising suicide rates. What do you think?“This is a pointlessly wasteful and…

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