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5 essential pieces for your nuclear winter wardrobe

It’s never been a better time to pick up some sturdy essentials that will keep you cute and cozy through a period of severe and prolonged global cooling brought on by a nuclear catastrophe! 1. A nice parkaSure, a shiny new hazmat suit might…

25% off sale on pants actually just regular price capris

TORONTO – Controversy arose this week at a downtown location of the popular retailer Urban Outfitters, as a “25% Off Pants” sale was revealed to be a rack of regularly priced capri pants. Shoppers reportedly discovered they had been misled…

Woman shops for new wardrobe, like it matters

MONTREAL – A local woman has begun shopping for brand new clothes, even though nothing fucking matters anymore. “I’m sick of everything I own”, says Layla Veenstra, who just finished a documentary on the threat of nuclear winter. “I…

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