Jesus' Coming Back
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Anything Done In Excess Is Evil

[youtube] The reason why movements that are solely a reaction turn vacuous and evil, is because they have no balance. By balance I mean a harmony between justice and mercy.…

There Is A Rift Within The Israeli Military

There is a rift within the Israeli military. This was written of in a recent article published by Haaretz entitled, Israel Created ‘Kill Zones’ in Gaza. Anyone Who Crosses Into Them Is Shot. In this article it talks about how in Gaza the…

Will America Go To War For Japan?

[youtube] The rise of Japan is inevitable, because as the US walks back from its position as the world’s police force, the Japanese will take it upon themselves to…

The Rise Of Europe

Today, there is a phenomena that is not getting enough attention, and that is the ideology of a pan-European defense headed by Germany, and moreover of a Europe that can be independent of the American empire: [youtube…

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