Jesus' Coming Back
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3 Ways Feminism Laid The Groundwork For Transgenderism

The trans movement is in full bloom. Many are scratching their heads as to how we got here. A survey of the last two centuries reveals that it was long in the making, with deep roots found in feminist ideology, as discussed at length in my…

6 Ways To Detox From Marxist Feminism For A Happier Life

While men can still articulate a “good man” versus a “real man,” no categories remain for a “good woman” versus a “real woman.” Most of us operate unwittingly with the Marxist categories force-fed to us by feminism, particularly Betty…

Nikki Rodham Haley: The Hillary Clinton Of The GOP

When Hillary Clinton was (praise the Lord!) denied the presidency on Nov. 8, 2016, the country was spared a wicked fate under the heel of her sensible comfort pumps. Dodging that Hillary-sized bullet was America’s greatest geopolitical…

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