Jesus' Coming Back
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The Era Of Presuming Liberal Moral Superiority Is Over

There’s a popular debate series on YouTube called “Surrounded,” where they take a pundit of some stripe — usually an older person with some degree of renown and experience — and put them in a room full of social media savvy youngsters who…

Kamala Harris Is Not A Girl’s Girl

Vice President Kamala Harris’ pop culture-centered, policy avoidant campaign paints a telling picture of the low regard in which the Democratic Party views young women. Despite being the second-in-command of an administration that enacted…

Wild Gen Z prom party wraps up at 9:15 pm

Bridgewater, NS – Through the haze of foggy memories and poor decisions, local high schoolers stumbled home after another post-prom rager, with only the faintest bit of leftover twilight to guide them. This was the latest misadventure for a…

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