Jesus' Coming Back
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America Has Become A Dump

My thoughts on the state of American society: Share this: .blinking{ animation:blinkingText 3.2s infinite; } @keyframes blinkingText{ 0%{ color: #ff0000; } 49%{ color: #ff6666; } 60%{ color: #ff0000; } 99%{ color: #ff0000; } 100%{ color:…

The Truth About Sudan

My thoughts on the situation in Sudan: [youtube] Share this: .blinking{ animation:blinkingText 3.2s infinite; } @keyframes blinkingText{ 0%{ color: #ff0000; } 49%{ color: #ff6666; }…

Theodore Herzl Was Evil

My thoughts on one of Israel’s most famous historical figures: [youtube] Share this: .blinking{ animation:blinkingText 3.2s infinite; } @keyframes blinkingText{ 0%{ color: #ff0000; }…

Life is Depressing

Reading about Ottoman history, I ran into the story of the Batak massacre in which thousands of Christians were beheaded, or impaled or burned alive in the Bulgarian town of Batak by Muslim Bulgarians (Pomaks) recruited by the Ottoman…

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