Jesus' Coming Back
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Men, Ignore The Bad Advice To Seek A ‘Low-IQ’ Wife

A self-described “Catholic accelerationist” writer on X just earned 2 million views with his hot take on finding a traditional complementarian wife. Justin Murphy writes: “Men, just marry a hot lower-IQ girl from a rural church, one who is…

Gift certificate squandered

CALGARY – Frank Benton has wasted the $150 Best Buy gift card his parents gave him for Christmas, despite spending weeks carefully thinking about how to use it. Local sources report that Benton has purchased a cable he forgot he already…

Queen ant gets 27,000 cards for Mother’s Day

BRANTFORD, ON – The queen of a local ant colony awoke on Mother’s Day to find herself bombarded with thousands upon thousands of cards from her children. “Thank you, Anthony, that’s very sweet,” said the queen as she read yet another card.…

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