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Ilhan Omar

The Media Keep Lying To Protect Ilhan Omar

After the House voted to deny Rep. Ilhan Omar a seat on the Foreign Affairs Committee—using a precedent Democrats recently created but suddenly find deeply offensive—AP tweeted: “BREAKING: House Republicans have voted to oust Democratic Rep…

Stop Crying In Congress, It’s Pathetic

Members of Congress seem to be crying a lot more these days. Michigan Democrat Rep. Rashida Tlaib spilled tears all over the floor of the House Thursday because her antisemitic colleague from Minnesota, Rep. Ilhan Omar, was about to be…

The ‘Islamophobia’ Canard Returns

The spat between Representatives Lauren Boebert and Ilhan Omar prompts the House to tackle a nonexistent problem. NRPLUS MEMBER ARTICLE W e really are living through one of the stupider eras in American history. Representative Lauren…

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