Jesus' Coming Back
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A Truly ‘Impartial Jury’ Is Hard To Come By

Jury duty is often reviled as a nuisance unless it comes with TV fame and a big check. In reality, juries are a constitutional right and responsibility that should be fulfilled with the utmost reverence and care. You wouldn’t know it from…

‘Never Forget’ Doesn’t Mean Never Look Away

As the reality of the horror in Israel has slowly unfolded in recent days, I have repeatedly heard the plea, “Don’t look away.” It’s a rejoinder to the impulse to shield our eyes from the perverse and evil images we can’t conceive of and…

How To Parent Through Pride Month

“Look, Mommy! A rainbow flag!” My 4-year-old daughter excitedly pointed at a suburban front porch as we drove home from a luncheon with friends. I shifted uncomfortably in the passenger seat and paused before responding to my precocious…

I’m Glad My Parents Lied To Me About Santa Claus

Dec. 25 falling on a Sunday reminds me of one particularly magical Christmas past. My age at that time is completely elusive to me now, but suffice it to say I still believed in Santa Claus — yet suspicion was bubbling. When my brother and…

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