Jesus' Coming Back
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J.B. Shurk

Christian Faith, Courage, and Fatherhood

Dallas Jenkins’s television series about Jesus and His disciples, The Chosen, is now in its fourth season. I continue to find the show a compelling historical and spiritual drama that I would highly recommend. I…

The Feds Are Itching to J6 Us Again

After New York’s sham “justice” system procured a ridiculous felony conviction against President Trump, a lot of leftist commentators predicted that his supporters would erupt in violent mayhem. When MAGA Americans failed to riot…

Remembering D-Day’s Freedom Fighters

It is hard to believe that eighty years have passed since American, British, and Canadian troops landed at Normandy and fought their way across fortified beaches covered in German mines and barbed wire fences. What a nightmare it…

In the Foxhole with Donald Trump

For me, the worst part about New York’s Soviet show trial was how it tormented President Trump’s supporters. I kept an eye on numerous messaging boards as the Democrat jury wrapped up deliberations, and so many people were…

Marxist Globalism Will Not Survive

In the end, Marxist globalism will fail. The Machiavellian push for One World Government will fail. The World Economic Forum’s master plan for a small cabal of egomaniacal “elites” to rule over Earth’s…

The West’s War on God

Perhaps the most startling quality of world leaders today is that they do not believe in much beyond their own wants and needs. Many will feign a belief in God for the sake of appearances, but true believers are hard to…

Tyranny by Any Other Name Still Stinks

Tyranny takes hold when good people are lulled into inaction. Those of us who mind our own business and prefer government to leave us alone are particularly prone to falling into this trap. Because we have no use for…

Plausible Deniability Run Amok

What are the wages of rigged elections? Invasion, inflation, taxation, and war. But for a 2020 jiggering of state election procedures that allowed Democrats to flood battleground states with fraudulent mail-in ballots…

Lessons from COVID Totalitarianism

The COVID police state revealed Western governments’ zeal for totalitarianism. Forced masking, forced experimental injections, forced school and business closures, forced isolation, and forced compliance provided Western citizens…

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