Jesus' Coming Back
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Jack Gleason

Massive Government Spending Equals Broken Elections

Most people think “government” is just something that runs in the background. We pay taxes once a year (or four times a year, or...), and for that we get our roads paved, police come when we really need them, and our kids have…

The Top 20 Lies of the 2020s

Lying is an epidemic even worse than COVID.Our president and his press secretaries seem to lie with every word they say and deny facts that anyone with a pair of eyes can see for himself. Scientists and doctors, formerly among the most…

A Voter Integrity Group Hovers over the Target

“You know you’re flying over the target when you’re getting flak,” the WWII saying goes. It means, “If you’re not a threat, they can safely ignore you, but when you’re directly over the target, they start shooting.”United…

Citizen Groups Stepping Up to Demand Honest Elections

In any contest between two or more parties, an impartial referee is often necessary to ensure that the rules are followed fairly.This includes sports and competitions of all kinds, debates, and yes, even spelling bees in elementary school.…

Our Institutions Have Betrayed Our Trust

Our Institutions Have Betrayed Our Trust - American Thinker <!--/assets/js/load_ads.js?v=2--> <!-- (function(d, s, id) { var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s); if (d.getElementById(id)) return; js =

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