Jesus' Coming Back
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Jeff Lukens

Congressional Spending Goes Full Weimar

It has become a speculative game in the blogosphere to predict what black swan calamities could lead to a breakdown in civil order and the imposition of some form of martial law. Wars and rumors of war abound. We have already…

Time for Another Great Awakening

Time for Another Great Awakening - American Thinker <!--/assets/js/load_ads.js?v=2--> <!-- (function(d, s, id) { var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s); if (d.getElementById(id)) return; js = d.createElement(s);

The Cataclysm to Come

The Cataclysm to Come - American Thinker <!--/assets/js/load_ads.js?v=2--> <!-- --> May 18, 2023 When nations die, they do so with surprising speed. Ernest Hemingway made a similar

Will Transhumanism End Equality?

Will Transhumanism End Equality? - American Thinker <!--/assets/js/load_ads.js?v=2--> <!-- --> March 29, 2023 The American people have worked hard to ensure equality for all citizens. So now science

The Church Must Speak Out

The Church Must Speak Out - American Thinker <!--/assets/js/load_ads.js?v=2--> <!-- --> January 2, 2023 Churches have remained publicly quiet for decades on the moral issues of the day so as not to

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