Jesus' Coming Back
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John B. Carpenter

Trump’s Humanitarian Calculus

The surprising fact about Trump 2.0, in stark contrast to the cold heartlessness of Biden, is how humanitarian Trump is. Sure, he doesn’t gush femininely about how his heart breaks over the poor, sweet victims of war and terrorism. But his…

It’s Transsexuality, Really

Transsexual activists managed to interject their propaganda into the second season of Netflix’s Squid Game. A new, major, sympathetic character, Hyun Ju (aka Player 120), is trans-ing. We’re supposed to learn sympathy for the idea that…

The Radicalization of Donald J. Trump

Donald Trump’s recent cabinet selections suggest that he’s been radicalized. I do not mean that he’s become violent, extreme, or a threat to American values. I mean, he’s thoroughly thought through his ideas, consistently brought them to…

The Advent of Idiocracy

Kamala is dumb. I don’t intend this as an insult but as a cool-headed diagnosis. We could use more refined terminology, such as “intellectually unexceptional,” but we have a perfectly suitable, one-syllable word for her condition: dumb. I…

The Moral Case Against Reparations

In an April 5, 2019 appearance before the National Action Network, presidential candidate Kamala Harris declared to Al Sharpton that she will sign a “reparations” commission into law. During last week’s interview on CNN, Harris affirmed…

What We’re Up Against

What We’re Up Against - American Thinker <!--/assets/js/load_ads.js?v=2--> <!-- (function(d, s, id) { var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s); if (d.getElementById(id)) return; js = d.createElement(s); = id;

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