Jesus' Coming Back
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Joseph Puder

Western Europe’s Muslim Problem

Radical Muslim gangs who harbor hatred for Western culture and believe that Islam is the answer for all bear a visceral and violent antisemitic hatred for Israel and Jews. The pogrom perpetrated by Arab and Turkish Muslims…

American Weakness Invites Aggression

In November 1979, Iranian “students,” inspired or directed by Ayatollah Khomeini, stormed the United States Embassy in Tehran, Iran. A weak Jimmy Carter administration emboldened the attack, which resulted in 52 American…

A Bit of Israel nostalgia

It is customary to romanticize one’s youth, nostalgia being a common reflection on a life lived.In a related look back, the following focuses on a special era — that of 1960s Israel. I will not recount the wars, since the early…

The ‘Two-State Solution’ Is No Solution

The Knesset (Israeli Parliament) voted last week on a bill that opposes the establishment of a Palestinian State. The bill explained that the creation of a Palestinian State now, or in the foreseeable future, poses an…

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