Jesus' Coming Back
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The War On Nicotine Is A War On Vitality

“I’m starting to think that the government hates when young people are having fun,” a friend sardonically remarked to me recently in reference to the Food and Drug Administration’s continued campaign against the sale of nicotine products.…

Marijuana Enthusiasts Around World Celebrate 4/20

Today is 4/20, the unofficial marijuana holiday when pot lovers around the world attend rallies, public smoke sessions, festivals, and other marijuana-related events as well as just smoke with friends. How are you celebrating?“Oh, I’m more…

Masculinity Isn’t Toxic, Our Erasure Of It Is

Sam Smith does not look healthy. Last week, conservative journalist Andy Ngo published screenshots of the singer’s Instagram page. On the left, Smith is seen handsomely seated with his prestigious Oscar. The ensuing photos highlight his…

New York Legalizes Marijuana

New York has become the 15th state to legalize possession of marijuana for recreational use, while also expunging criminal records of marijuana-related offenses now considered legal. What do you think?“If he’s trying to make us forget about

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