Jesus' Coming Back
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It’s Time For A Truce In The Battle Of The Sexes

Earlier this month, actors Sacha Baron Cohen and Isla Fisher announced that “after a long tennis match lasting over 20 years, we are finally putting our racquets down,” divorcing after 13 years of marriage. It’s yet another skirmish in the…

Beta Male On Date Doesn’t Even Try To Murder Woman

EUREKA SPRINGS, AR—Watching the soy boy miss out on countless opportunities, sources confirmed Tuesday that a local beta male on a date didn’t even try to murder the woman. “Is this limp-dicked cuck gonna strangle that chick or what?” said…

Where Have All The Good Women Gone?

Barbie has just introduced the Stevie Nicks doll, which harks back to Nicks’ early days with Fleetwood Mac. The preorders sold out in a flash. Nicks said on X: “When Mattel came to me asking if I would like to have a Barbie made…

Chinese Zoo Denies Bears Are People In Costume

A zoo in China is denying accusations that its bears are people dressed in costume after photos of one of their Malyasian Sun Bears standing on its hind legs went viral for looking suspiciously similar to a man in a bear suit. What do you…

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