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Nikki Haley

Other Things Nikki Haley Wrote On Israeli Missiles

Nikki Haley recently came under fire for a photo that has surfaced from her trip to Israel in which she can be seen writing the words “Finish them! America <3 Israel” on an artillery shell. Here are other things the former South Carolina…

Conservatives React To Alex Garland’s ‘Civil War’

Alex Garland’s newest dystopian film, which takes place in the not-so-distant future, follows a team of military-embedded journalists as they travel across the country during America’s second Civil War. The Onion asked conservatives how…

Nikki Haley Drops Out Of Presidential Race

After major losses on Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley dropped out of the presidential race, leaving Donald Trump as the only major Republican candidate in the running. What do you think?“Shame. Trump’s at his best when he’s fighting women.”Roman…

Trump Crushes Super Tuesday, While Haley Goes 1-14

Former President Donald Trump effectively knocked former United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley out of the 2024 Republican presidential nomination on Tuesday, dominating her in 14 of 15 states. After her decisive defeat, Haley is reportedly…

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