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NRPLUS Member Articles

On the Economy, Joe Biden Isn’t Even Trying

Is there anyone left in the White House who even notices the complete absence of pro-growth, pro-jobs policies? NRPLUS MEMBER ARTICLE A t some point, you have to ask whether Joe Biden and congressional Democrats are even trying anymore…

Biden’s Capital-Gains Tax Grab Would Wreak Havoc

This is among the most wrongheaded, poorly designed tax proposals in recent memory. NRPLUS MEMBER ARTICLE T he last time the White House put Treasury secretary Janet Yellen in front of television cameras, she was tasked with defending a…

The Virginia Tech Super-Spreader That Wasn’t

Despite the COVID hysterics who warned you otherwise, a college-football game did not lead to a spike in positive cases. NRPLUS MEMBER ARTICLE W ith the college-football season now under way, familiar voices — in the media and elsewhere…

Chasing Kyrsten Sinema into a Bathroom Is Not Normal

NRPLUS MEMBER ARTICLE Y esterday afternoon, on the campus of Arizona State University, a cluster of left-wing political activists followed Democratic senator Kyrsten Sinema into a bathroom. They filmed her as she entered one of the…

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