Jesus' Coming Back
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P.F. Kelly, Jr.

The Revolution Will Not Be What You Expect

Blind hatred of America is so yesterday. It’s shadowboxing an opponent who has exited the ring. Activists on college campuses today, whether agitating for Hamas, BLM, or Occupy Wall Street, are fighting a caricature of…

The Trump Conviction and the New Democratic Playbook

Former President Trump was convicted last week by a New York City jury of 34 felonies. These “Frankenstein” felonies, created from misdemeanor offenses past their statute of limitations and the suggestion of federal election law violations,…

The Trump Conviction and the New Democrat Playbook

Former President Trump was convicted last week by a New York City jury of 34 felonies. These “Frankenstein” felonies, created from misdemeanor offenses past their statute of limitations and the suggestion of federal election law violations,…

Defund the Universities That Create the Hate

Thanks to the Hamas-sponsored anti-Jewish and anti-Israel rallies happening on college campuses right now, what were once monolithically progressive and Biden-supporting Democrat enclaves in our country are quickly morphing into energetic…

The Bargain with Government Is Coming Apart

Imagine you are a mouse — a placid little creature — living in a labyrinth. You don’t know it’s a labyrinth; it’s just where you live. You follow a well worn path, meandering along, chasing the red…

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