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presidential election

How AI Chatbots Are Already Interfering In Elections

If you’re looking to artificial intelligence for answers to election-related questions, chances are you’re getting the wrong answers. A study by data analytics firm GroundTruthAI found that the most widely used chatbots, including…

Is Trump Riding A Realignment Wave?

A recent Gallup poll showed Democrats’ lead over Republicans with black voters “has shrunk by nearly 20 points over the past three years,” and their lead among Hispanics has dropped “nearly as much.” Gallup found that 66…

Every Biden 2024 Scenario Is Deadly Dangerous

It should have sunk in a lot sooner with the public just how truly fraught and uncharted the territory is that we’re lurching toward in 2024. Not a single set of current circumstances spells calm and normal. It’s the opposite. They’re all…

Nikki Rodham Haley: The Hillary Clinton Of The GOP

When Hillary Clinton was (praise the Lord!) denied the presidency on Nov. 8, 2016, the country was spared a wicked fate under the heel of her sensible comfort pumps. Dodging that Hillary-sized bullet was America’s greatest geopolitical…

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