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Robin M. Itzler

Positioning Kamala Harris, the California Candidate

As California native Kamala Harris continues her word salad presidential campaign, Americans in the other 49 states might wonder how someone who can’t speak without a teleprompter rose to this political level. The key word is “California,”…

An Interview With VP Kamala Harris (Satire)

To reach different audiences, Vice President Kamala Harris agreed to an interview with Robin Itzler, editor of Patriot Neighbors and frequent American Thinker contributor. (Satire)Me: Thank you for meeting with me today. It must be…

‘Are You Moving Out Of California?’

Several weeks ago, I flew to Texas to visit my friend Mollie, who had left California in 2022. Whenever I told someone I was going to Texas, their first question was, “Are you moving out of California?”How different from when I moved to…

Is There a Doctor Jill in the House? (Satire)

In the United States, between 40-50 percent of first marriages end in divorce. It’s even higher for second marriages: a whopping 60-70%. American Thinker contributor Robin Itzler recently met with First Lady Jill Biden to learn more about…

Making Parade Lemonade Out of Lemons, Trump-Style

If there’s anything America First Patriots should have learned from following Donald Trump since he rode down the gold escalator in June 2015, it’s that he knows how to make lemonade out of lemons. Currently, his communist-kangaroo lawfare…

Travelin’ with Secretary Pete (A Satire)

With summer approaching, one of the busiest travel seasons of the year, Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg took time from...well, we still don’t know what he answer your travel questions.Dear Mr. Secretary, My wife and I are…

99 Reasons I’m In Mourning

“Want to go shopping?” I would ask a friend, and we both knew that included a visit to the neighborhood 99¢ Only Store. We might spend the day shopping at discount retailers, or fashionable clothing boutiques, upscale or discount grocery…

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