Jesus' Coming Back
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Comically Mismatched Roommate Wanted

Uptight, fastidious, type-A personality seeks slovenly, carefree roommate to share apartment. Ideal applicant would only be able to put up with neurotic cleaning and constant nagging for so long before forcibly showing original tenant how…

Signs Your Roommate Actually Hates You

No amount of rent reduction is worth sharing an apartment with someone like you. Here are telltale signs your roommate actually hates you.Advertisement2 / 21​Has Locks Changed Every Time You Leave For WorkList slides​Has Locks Changed Every

Sounds like roommate’s pretty bad at sex 

EDMONTON – According to sources in Stacey Greene’s two-bedroom apartment, her roommate’s latest attempt at sex is not going well. “Taylor and their date disappeared into their room about 20 minutes ago, and since then there’s just…

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