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Rule of Law

Briefing on the Ninth Day of Dawu Trial

Briefing on the Ninth Day of Dawu Trial Dawu Legal Team, July 23, 2021 Part of the Dawu Legal Team (from left to right): Zhou Haiyang (周海洋), Yang Xuelin (杨学林), Wang Shihua (王誓华), Hao Yachao (郝亚超), Tong Zongjin (仝宗锦), and Yin Zhihao…

Briefing on the Eighth Day of Dawu Trial

Briefing on the Eighth Day of Dawu Trial Dawu Legal Team, July 22, 2021 Ambulance waiting outside the courthouse. Today’s court session mainly focused on three crimes — “disrupting market operations,” “coercing business transactions,”…

Briefing on the Seventh Day of Dawu Trial

Briefing on the Seventh Day of Dawu Trial Dawu Legal Team, July 21, 2021 Riot police at the site of disputed land on August 4, 2020. The Dawu trial has been in session for seven days. After working overtime on weekends and with three…

Briefing on the Sixth Day of Dawu Trial

Briefing on the Sixth Day of Dawu Trial Dawu Legal Team, July 20, 2021 The Dawu protest, led by Sun Dawu, in September 2015, following the detention of several Dawu employees but police inaction against those who had blocked the Dawu Road…

Briefing on the Fifth Day of Dawu Trial

Briefing on the Fifth Day of Dawu Trial Dawu Legal Team, July 19, 2021 Sun Dawu on trial in 2003. As the trial continues and the arguments get into the nitty-gritty details of various incidents, the daily briefings, written in what short…

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