Jesus' Coming Back
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The War On Nicotine Is A War On Vitality

“I’m starting to think that the government hates when young people are having fun,” a friend sardonically remarked to me recently in reference to the Food and Drug Administration’s continued campaign against the sale of nicotine products.…

Surgeon General Declares Loneliness Epidemic

The U.S. General has declared loneliness a public health endemic, saying widespread loneliness in the U.S. poses health risks as deadly as smoking a dozen cigarettes a day and costs the health industry billions of dollars annually. What do…

U.S. Cancer Death Rates Fall 33% Since 1991

According to a new report from the American Cancer Society, the rate of people dying from cancer in the United States has declined 33% since 1991, the trend being attributed to early detection, lower rates of smoking, and advancements in…

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