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Trump Found Liable For Sexual Abuse, Defemation

A Manhattan jury found former President Donald J. Trump liable for the sexual abuse of writer E. Jean Carroll in a widely watched civil trial, with the jury awarding her $5 million in damages for her battery and defamation claims. What do…

Surgeon General Declares Loneliness Epidemic

The U.S. General has declared loneliness a public health endemic, saying widespread loneliness in the U.S. poses health risks as deadly as smoking a dozen cigarettes a day and costs the health industry billions of dollars annually. What do…

Study: Climate Change Making Airplane Turbulence Worse

A new study shows that climate change is causing more instability in jet streams and making wind speeds faster, with turbulence predicted to triple in frequency between 2050 and 2080. What do you think?“I can’t wait to take thisout on a

The Onion’s Exclusive Interview With Ron DeSantis

Start SlideshowRon DeSantis, the rightwing governor of Florida, has been making headlines due to his ongoing feud with Disney and rumored presidential bid. The Onion sits down with the prominent Republican to discuss his political…

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