Jesus' Coming Back
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Ted Noel

The Essential Impeachment

The Essential Impeachment - American Thinker <!--/assets/js/load_ads.js?v=2--> <!-- (function(d, s, id) { var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s); if (d.getElementById(id)) return; js = d.createElement(s); =

Time for an Abortion Reality Check

Time for an Abortion Reality Check - American Thinker <!--/assets/js/load_ads.js?v=2--> <!-- --> June 27, 2023 There’s a lot of loud noise on both sides of the aisle on the abortion question. Let’s

Is Trump The Best Candidate For 2024?

Is Trump The Best Candidate For 2024? - American Thinker <!--/assets/js/load_ads.js?v=2--> <!-- --> June 7, 2023 When Trump burst on the political scene, his smashmouth style was, shall we say,

The J6 Committee’s Obstruction of Justice

The J6 Committee’s Obstruction of Justice - American Thinker <!--/assets/js/load_ads.js?v=2--> <!-- --> March 15, 2023 We are all familiar with the fact that members of Congress are constitutionally

The Puzzle That Is Kevin McCarthy

The Puzzle That Is Kevin McCarthy - American Thinker <!--/assets/js/load_ads.js?v=2--> <!-- --> February 27, 2023 Many of you will note that I tried to give the Turtle the benefit of the doubt since

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