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The Bee Explains

The Bee Explains: What Is Social Justice?

If you want to cause a ruckus at your local church, just walk right into the middle of a service and whisper, “Social justice.” Almost immediately, everyone will begin arguing with one another about what exactly social justice is, and…

The Bee Explains: Democratic Socialism

You can’t go into a Whole Foods or indie record store without hearing somebody talk about it: democratic socialism. Is it a radical new idea that we should try out in our nation, or is it an old idea with the word “democratic” stapled to…

The Bee Explains: A Brief History Of America

WORLD—Today, everyone around the world celebrates American Independence Day. Sadly, while all 7 billion people on the planet enjoy the firework displays and barbecued hot dogs and hamburgers, a very small number know the real history of…

The Bee Explains: Democrats vs. Republicans

All this Left vs. Right stuff can be confusing for the uninitiated. Who’s right? And who’s left? Do you even politics, bro? The Bee is here for you, with a primer that explains our country’s two political parties in great detail,…

The Bee Explains: Theological Liberalism

During your daily poring over of The Babylon Bee‘s award-winning coverage of all theological camps, you may have found yourself wondering about the worldview known variably as “theological liberalism,” “liberal theology,” “liberal…

The Bee Explains: Who Is Jordan Peterson?

Clinical psychologist and University of Toronto professor Jordan Peterson has rocketed into the public consciousness in recent months. But who exactly this intense, stoic, archetypal father figure? As usual, we’ve compiled everything you…

The Bee Explains: Identity Politics

What does “identity politics” mean? “Identity politics” is the term given to a popular practice in which politicians divide people into group identities and inform them that they’re victims of a shadowy, systemic, oppressive power…

The Bee Explains: Complementarianism Vs. Egalitarianism

How are men and women to relate to each other in the church and home? That’s the question at stake when discussing complementarianism and egalitarianism. It can be a contentious issue, and many people don’t have all the facts about both…

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