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time person of the year

A Day In The Life Of Rudy Giuliani

After years of serving in some of the highest positions of the U.S. government, Rudy Giuliani has had an unprecedented fall from grace, forcing him to file for bankruptcy last year. Here’s an inside look at how the once-beloved mayor of New…

Trump vs. Biden On Free Speech

While Democrats position themselves as supporters of the First Amendment, many believe the government’s reaction to public protests looked no different under Joe Biden than it did under Donald Trump. The Onion presents an in-depth…

What Biden Can Do To Win Over Gen Z

Although the youth vote was integral in his victory against Donald Trump in the 2020 election, Joe Biden’s approval ratings have tanked amongst 18-to-27-year-olds. If President Biden is interested in winning back Gen Z voters, he’ll have to…

What Trump Will Do On His First Day In Office

Start SlideshowFormer President Donald Trump famously said that he would be “a dictator” on day one if he’s reelected this November. Here is everything that Trump plans to do on his first day in office.AdvertisementPrevious SlideNext…

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