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Americans Explain Why The Military Is Too Woke

Start SlideshowMany believe that a once-strong military composed of straight white men has become weak due to a liberal obsession with inclusion. The Onion asked Americans to explain why the U.S. military is too woke, and this is what they…

Conservatives Explain Why Football Is Too Woke

Start SlideshowAlthough football was previously considered a manly, patriotic sport, the modern NFL has done nothing but capitulate to the far-left mob. The Onion asked conservatives to explain why the sport is too woke, and this is what…

Conservatives Explain How They Survive In Woke Cities

With their large populations of unhoused people, minorities, and gays, liberal enclaves like New York and San Francisco have never been more dangerous to real, red-blooded Americans. The Onion asked conservatives to explain how they survive…

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