Jesus' Coming Back
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The Cost-Benefit Analysis Of Having A Baby

“Should I have a baby?” reads the subject line of a recent newsletter email from Emily Oster, the economist-turned-parent advice expert who rose to fame by telling anxious moms-to-be they can stop freaking out about ingesting sushi or wine…

The Pro-Life Movement Has A Storytelling Problem

Many years ago, a friend visiting an Eastern European country diligently wrote several postcards, stamped them, and then dropped them in what he thought was a mailbox. It turned out to be a very elegant trash can. Of course, his postcards…

Why Making Babies In Test Tubes Is Not Pro-Life

Reactionary legislation is being considered in Congress that would require the health plans covering the majority of American workers and their families to provide coverage for in vitro fertilization (IVF). Christians and…

Why Are Women Naturally Drawn To Toxic Leftist Beliefs?

Recently, I wrote a piece at The Federalist titled “Hell Hath No Fury Like A Single Liberal Woman,” based on my own experience as a former liberal, and offered some explanation as to why single women make up such a large proportion of the…

Hell Hath No Fury Like A Single Liberal Woman

Last month, conservative news host Jesse Kelly told Megyn Kelly on her podcast that “the mentally ill single woman is the beating heart of the Democrat Party.” He proclaimed over 70 percent of single women vote Democrat. Furthermore, he…

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