Nation’s Christians Thank Trump For Allowing First Public Celebration Of Christmas In 8 Years

U.S.—The nation’s Christian believers thanked President Donald Trump by the millions Tuesday after he allowed the first public celebration of Christmas in America in since the year Barack Obama took office, with many breaking down in tears due to their great gratitude toward the president.
One of the President’s first acts when he took office was to legalize Christmas again after eight long years of the holiday being outlawed by Obama, and the fruits of that heroic, defiant act were finally realized yesterday as Christians everywhere celebrated without fear of retribution.
Millions of American Christians sent the President Christmas cards—illegal under the Obama administration—and notes of their deep gratitude for allowing them to celebrate the holy day once again.
“We haven’t celebrated since the W administration,” one emotional believer said. “It was so great to decorate our house, go look at Christmas lights, and wish each other Merry Christmas at retail establishments without the threat of President Obama’s secret Christmas Gestapo taking us in for questioning.”
“Thank you, Donald Trump!” she cried, before breaking down into tears.
At publishing time, Christians had begun petitioning Donald Trump to once again legalize the celebration of Easter.
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